
How can I help?

I have tailored all of my services to provide a different level of support, with whatever project you might be struggling with! With all of my services, I work closely with you to understand your needs and your vision, and ensure you end up with a scheme that is totally bespoke - designed just for you!

If you have any specific needs, or if you're not sure if I can help, please get in touch and I'll be happy to chat to you about your project.

Inspire me!

Have you got an interior project in the works, but don't know where to start? I can help to get all your ideas into a workable scheme that will give you the confidence to move forward with your project.

We will discuss your vision in an online consultation, following which you will receive a bespoke design concept board to work from as a source of inspiration. Your concept board will be emailed to you with a breakdown of the textiles, materials and patterns to make your space cohesive and beautiful.

This packge includes:

  • An online consultation, up to an hour long
  • A bespoke concept board

Personal shopping

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed from endless searching and infinite options? With my Personal Shopping service, I do the hard work for you. We will start with a detailed discussion exploring your needs, your budget, and the details of the space you are updating. I will ask for some basic measurements of your space, and any existing pieces that you want to include.

I will provide you with a bespoke, comprehensive concept board that will enable you to kick start your project. I will source different options to maximise your budget, giving you suggestions on where to save and where to splurge!

You will receive links to all sourced items, and detailed suggestions on how to best make your space work.

This package includes:

  • A one hour online consultation
  • A bespoke concept board
  • A personalised shopping list
  • Design support for up to six weeks following package delivery

Interior design
Prices from £200

Are you struggling with ideas for your interior spaces? Do you have a room in which the layout just doesn’t work? Are you looking for practical solutions to make your spaces feel more ‘you’? You may not know your style or what you’re after, but with my experience and my support we can make your space the place you’ve always dreamed of.

In our initial consultation, we will discuss the challenges you’re facing and your project budget. We will talk in detail about the overall feel you’re hoping to achieve in the finished space, and go through different options for colour, style and materials. During this consultation I will also need to take thorough measurements of your space.
I will produce a range of 3D visuals and a floor plan, which alongside concept and material boards, will help you plan your new space. I will ensure that suggestions for new furniture and decor fit your specified budget, and in a final consultation I will talk you through the design and suggest appropriate trades where needed.

This package includes:

  • An initial online consultation ( this can take up to two hours!)
  • A floor plan with suggested room layout
  • 3D visuals of the space
  • Concept boards
  • A personalised shopping list
  • Design support for up to six weeks following package delivery

Want to get started?